
A Young Woman Cleaning Air Conditioning System At Home.

Ductless Maintenance

August 30, 2024

Ductless units are up to 30 percent less expensive to cool and 60 percent less to heat than traditional systems, according to ENERGY STAR®.

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Air Conditioning Basics–Did You Know? AC fan.

Air Conditioning Basics–Did You Know?

August 15, 2024

Today’s air conditioner (AC) is based on a prototype invented in 1902 by Willis Carrier, an engineer from Buffalo, New York. Unlike earlier forms of cooling, Carrier’s model controlled the temperature by removing heat and humidity from the air.  Below are some air conditioning basics.

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couple sitting on their couch using a remote controller to adjust their ductless system.

Going Ductless

July 31, 2024

Also, ductless units use minimal energy. Typically, you spend up to 30 percent less to cool and up to 60 percent less to heat when you upgrade from your traditional air system, according to ENERGY STAR®.

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Improve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality. A living room that is dust free.

Improve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality

July 15, 2024

Improving the indoor air quality (IAQ) at your Sunriver home or business makes sense on so many levels. Consider your health, your comfort, and your household budget. It’s hard to imagine a more important investment than improving the air you breathe!

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5 Reasons Why Regular HVAC Maintenance is Essential for Deschutes County Homeowners. Image is a photograph of a person's hand adjusting a wall mounted thermostat temperature.

5 Reasons Why Regular HVAC Maintenance is Essential for Deschutes County Homeowners

June 28, 2024

Are you cool and comfortable in your Sunriver, Redmond, and Bend, OR, home?

If so, you can probably thank your air conditioner.

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Why Air Conditioners Freeze Up. Frozen AC units.

Why Air Conditioners Freeze Up

June 14, 2024

Did you accidentally stumble upon your air conditioning (AC) unit’s “winter weather” setting? Nope. You’re probably experiencing a freeze-up.

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5 Common AC Problems. Tech at AC Unit.

5 Common AC Problems

May 30, 2024

When your air conditioner (AC) is running at peak efficiency, you win.

Not only will your electric bills in Oregon be cheaper––your AC system will last longer. Plus, your equipment will be operating at its best, so you will experience maximum comfort.

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Common AC Problems and Solutions. Black woman sweating and trying to refresh at home.

Common AC Problems and Solutions

May 15, 2024

Do you find some of your rooms are too cold while others are still on the warm side? Many Oregon homeowners have trouble with inconsistent cooling. While factors such as the age and design of your home can cause these consistency issues, you may also have a leak in your duct system. One of our trained professionals can come and inspect your air conditioner and duct system and suggest solutions to this problem.

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5 Ways to Save Money on Your AC and Summer Monthly Bills - Thermostat and money

5 Ways to Save Money on Your AC and Summer Energy Bill

April 23, 2024

As the summer months approach, we are all looking to save some pennies where we can. So why not start with your costly utility bills? 

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Thermostat 101 Basics. European girl choosing temperature on thermostat of smart home system while her black boyfriend looking at her. Concept of modern technologies in domestic lifestyle. Interior of kitchen.

Thermostat 101 Basics

April 16, 2024

In the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) industry, your thermostat is the undisputed leader of the heating and cooling team. It signals your furnace and air conditioner (AC) when to turn on and off. Whenever your thermostat detects a temperature change that’s different from the desired setting in your Sunriver home, it barks out a new directive to adjust the indoor climate.

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Contact the experts at Diversified Heating & Cooling.

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